Falcon EVO GV has been selected among the 100 Outdoor Gear of the Year for Spring/Summer 2024 in the Footwear category by Outdoors Magic website.
Established since 1999, Outdoors Magic is the British most famous website dedicated to outdoor enthusiasts; they propose product reviews, advices, routes guides and text outdoor gear to draft the Best of the Year Guide for each season.
The verdict about the model Falcon EVO GV:
“All in all, I’ve found this to be a good all-round boot. It’s what I’d call a workhorse; the boot that you call upon the most – whether that’s for hiking, backpacking or just day-to-day use. Time will tell how well it will last, but initial signs are good – and from my experience, Asolo tend to craft their boots with longevity in mind.”
The Outdoors Magic Team tested the Falcon EVO GV on general hillwalking, hiking trails and rocky mountain and have found it to be a solid, all-round performer model: mid-weight, mid height and with a medium amount of flex and torsion.
Falcon EVO GV is a mid-cut model from the Performance Ligh Hiking category in Asolo international collection, specifically developed for hiking on trails and walking.